에스에스아이서초 학원

순번 학원종류 분야구분 교습계열 교습과정 교습과목 (반) 교습비 적용일자 일련번호 (변경금지) 1 학교교과교습학원 국제화 외국어 외국어 AP 2D Design 301,390 2022.11.17 2 학교교과교습학원 국제화 외국어 외국어 English ASP 301,390...

에스에스아이서초 주니어학원

순번 학원종류 분야구분 교습계열 교습과정 교습과목(반) 정원 교습비 적용일자 일련번호(변경금지) 1 학교교과교습학원 국제화 외국어 외국어 English  ECP 25 223,440 2022.11.17   2 학교교과교습학원 국제화 외국어 외국어 Eng...

Halloween Event Photo

All students attended the Halloween Party on October 31st, 2017. Four winners were chosen from the students, and two winners were chosen from the facu...

Customized Art Curriculum

Seoul Scholars International offers 36 courses in Art, English, Math, and Science. The courses are based on an American art high school curriculum and...

Golf Education

Along with golf courses, we offer a U.S. curriculum secondary education SSI, as an educational institution accredited by U.S. regional accrediting age...

Golf Colleges in the U.S.

Selection Method used by Golf Coaches in U.S. schools First, we evaluate the student’s average tournament score. As the summer tournament record is im...


Cognia SSI Art & Design was accredited in 2021 by Cognia(formerly known as AdvancED). Cognia is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that a...

교습비 게시표

교습비등 게시표 (제8조관련) 2023년 1월 17일 현재 교습과정 교습과목(반) 정원 총교습시간(분) 교습기간(월) 교습비 기타경비 교습비등 합계 구분 금액 외국어 어학종합1 25 6720 1 2,000,000 급식비 250,000 2,250,000 진학상담지도 진학...